First frost of winter

I woke this morning to see that the weathermen had got the forecast right – with the very first gound frost of the winter to date. The air was noticeably colder and for the first time it actually did feel like winter had arrived. I do like this weather though, bright sunshine, blue skies and a sharp crisp feel to the air.

DDWT Junior had a coffee morning in school today, which gave the parents an opportunity to pop along and see what the kids get up to each morning of nursery school (as trying to get the nippers to tell you is like…. well nigh on impossible!). It’s very evident from this morning that the school embraces the ‘Learn through Play’ ideology and it’s curriculum is based on the ‘Here I am’ booklet.

With me deciding to take another rest day from training due to my knee problems, I thought better of sitting behind my desk for lunch and decided to go for a walk into the city centre for a change. This also gave me the opportunity to (a) finish off getting family Christmas cards and (b) treat myself to some PS2 games from Gamestation 🙂

I was glad to get the cards sorted, as that’s the one and only thing I hate having to do come Christmas time – choose and write cards. I also managed to pick up 4 games – Final Fantasy X, NHL 2006, Salt Lake 2002 and Need for Speed Underground 2 – for £20, which is an in-store deal that Gamestation often have (alongside 4 for £10 and 2 for £20).

So without further to do, I’m off to try out my new acquisitions and then put my feet up with a milky coffee and watch the first installment of “I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here“.