BHF Swansea Santa Jog 2007

Today saw the inaugural British Heart Foundation Swansea Santa Jog and I was there (despite forgetting to give in my registration card before the start!).
It was great being involved, not only because it was for a good cause, but because it was great fun as well. Over 500 Santa’s took part from all age groups – there were even pushchairs and some dogs (complete with tinsel trimmings!) taking part.

DDWT Junior certainly enjoyed himself as did most of the other children present no doubt. Although I did have to explain that the “real” Santa wasn’t there and that we were only helping him by raising money for charity. Having said that, after weighing myself this morning – 17 st 1lb shock horror – I felt more like the real Santa to be honest!

Anyway, the following video will give you an idea of the fun that was had and the sight of 500 Santa’s going for a run, jog or walk!

The Evening Post photographers were out in force, so I’m sure there’ll be loads of pictures on their site in a couple of days.

As for the run itself, I opted to do just that (rather than walk) and the 2K course around Swansea Marina took me 9 minutes 38 seconds – not quick I know, but being kitted out as a Santa certainly made me sweat!

After the morning’s excitement, we headed off over to Debenhams for lunch. Nice though the food was, I thought £16.95 was pricey for two adults and a children’s meal – still we needed some tucker so we weren’t that bothered.

However, on trying to depart the store – we got stuck in the lift (just the 3 of us) for over 10 minutes. Thankfully the store staff were quick to respond and despite being stuck between 2 floors, they dealt with the situation very well and had medics on hand should the need arise. We managed to keep DDWT Junior distracted long enough for him to think nothing was wrong, but the whole incident made us wary of using any other lifts. After this little incident, we decided to head off home and call it a day in Swansea.

1 thought on “BHF Swansea Santa Jog 2007”

  1. I was there too. It was fab and despite being a regular ‘jogger’ my son of 8 kept me on my toes! I think I’ll enter him into the junior races from now on. Thanks for the youtube post – I can now show friends and family who couldn’t be there. (My son and I are visible in your video). Hope you raised some funds for the BHF –\emsy80

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