We’ve had another busy day really even without leaving our humble abode, although the general mood has been of the bah humbug variety – due to me having to return to work tomorrow.
I can’t believe how quickly the past 2 weeks have gone by, but having said that it does feel like a lot longer, so that can only be good news and means that I’ve switched off from work and chilled out completely 🙂
So how have I spent my last day of the holidays? Well, I’ve put up our new bathroom cabinet, got a load of stuff ready for a trip to the civic amenity site, sorted out the paperwork in the office (@ home) and played Lego/Hotwheels/Leapfrog Clickstart – oh and cooked a lamb dinner which was lush (from what the Mrs tells me).
I also decided to weigh myself just to see what impact the festive season and the injury enforced absence from training had on my body. The result was 17st 3lbs, which isn’t as bad as I’d feared but means I have work to do, i.e. lots of walking and a keener eye on my diet!
Talking of health ‘ish matters, my severe bout of man flu (LOL) seems to be getting better by the day – aided admirably by some vicks (no not the rub on variety) but the liquid type.
I decided to give it a try a few months back when I had the most irritating dry cough. I found that the honey soothed my throat and obviously the cough syrup did the rest. So here’s a tip for any guys with man flu, get yourself some vicks and some extra strong menthol lyptus – that’ll get rid of the flu, as for the rest of it, well try a good lads mag, Sky sports and some over-egged “I feel terrible” ramblings to the better half. It usually works 🙂