18 stone

Yes it’s true my weight has now rocketed back up to 18 stone. It hurts to think how I’ve drifted back into my old habits i.e eating junk or lots of food in general and not exercising.

It really does make me feel sooooo down in the dumps, not because I weigh that much, but because I’ve left myself get to that point – having only last year shed a lot of weight to get to 16st 3lbs (which made me feel more than great at the time).

Feeling sorry for myself isn’t going to help though, getting off my lazy backside and being stronger willed (in terms of food) are the only things that are going to get me out of this rut I seem to be currently stuck in.

On a brighter (well magnolia in fact) note, I’ve finally finished painting our downstairs hallway. Now there’s only the downstairs loo, and upstairs landing to do!! Still it looks good and when I’ve tidied up the coving/skirting boards, it’ll really look the mutts nuts I’m sure.