After a few non-training days, it was time to get my kit on again and go for a lunchtime run. Thankfully I managed to miss the squally April showers and trotted out a 27 minutes 7 second run along the foreshore of Swansea bay.It never ceases to amaze me how beautiful the view is from the foreshore, especially when the sun beats down across the sea and beach. It certainly helps take my mind off the sweaty, panting, plodding that I call running!
DDWT Junior continues to be a bit of a grizzly bear this week and is complaining about having pains in his knees and arms – usually a sign of a growth spurt (or at least it has been on past occasions).
So as a result, we decided to measure how tall he was. He now stands at 109cm and he’s 3 days short (no pun intended) of being 4 years and 3 months old. So he’s grown 1.5cm since November 2007.