Shopping again

I seem forever to be shopping at the moment, if not for food then for nappies!

Mind you, it’s also made me realise at first hand how much the price of food and fuel have gone up – something which had previously passed me by as Mrs DDWT has been doing the shopping. I can now fully understand why everyone keeps saying about the credit crunch 🙁

Baby DDWT continues to be quite a good sleeper, which is a Godsend considering how bad DDWT Junior used to be. The sheer thought of all that sleep deprivation again had filled us both with trepidation.

The other noticeable difference between the two is that she is far more placid and content than he was at the same stage. It’s looking increasingly like the daughter is following the mother in this case!

The deluge of gifts from family and friends continues unabated and we are extremely grateful to everyone.