Weird as the heading sounds, believe me when I say it’s not some new kind of service offered by opticians – merely that fact that the house of DDWT went to the opticians en masse today.
In DDWT Junior’s case it was his first time. We didn’t really know at what age (DDWT Junior is 4) you were supposed to start taking your children to have their eyes tested to be honest. What swung it for us was the little fella’s rather annoying habit of occasionally playing with his dinosaurs about 3mm from his nose!
I’m glad to say that thankfully his eyes were fine and his nose-to-nose approach to dinosaurs is merely a ‘habit’ or in his case more likely to be due to the sheer excitement and enjoyment he gets from playing with his vast dinosaur collection.
It won’t surprise you to hear that the current ‘backburner’ web project I’m working on is an online portal dedicated to all things dinosaur! So in future, if you’re looking for a dinosaur gift you’ll now where to look 🙂
Ok, let’s get back on track. Our eyetests were fine as well – it was a good day – with only a very very slight deterioration in our eyes (both of which were our right ones somewhat bizarrely).
So that’s us done for another two years anyway.