Charlton ticket

With the football season just weeks away, I gleefully took possession today of my ticket for the Swans opening game in the Championship – Charlton away. The £30 price tag is certainly a rip-off, but I wasn’t going to miss the Swans first game at this level for over 24 years.

With over 2,500 of our 3,300 allocation sold already it’s looking increasingly likely that a small part of the London borough of Greenwich will be turned into a sea of black and white come August 9th. The excitement is now starting to build and no doubt come the day the pit of my stomach will be churning with excitement, nerves and a touch of emotion.

After setting my sights on another goal yesterday (i.e. my weight) it was back to pounding the pavements again this lunchtime. My time of 29 minutes 5 seconds was longer that I’d anticipated doing, but I must say I felt quite refreshed and comfortable afterwards – unlike last week. Now that’s got to be a good sign.