Today was the end of an era for DDWT Junior as he went to nursery for the very last time. Come September and he’ll be school full time. He didn’t seem to mind one bit – probably because of his little trip to Funsters with his friends and the promise of a Pizza Hut for tea. I think it was us who felt it more!
I know it sounds weird but it was kind of sad really. It doesn’t seem that long ago that he was going to mother & toddler classes and we were preparing him for nursery. Yet before we know it here we are at the start of the school summer holidays and our little boy is fast growing up.
It really is true what people say – enjoy them whilst they are small and young, for the time really does fly by without a shadow of a doubt.
With the weekend almost upon us, I decided to go for a run with coach at lunchtime as invariably I switch to lazy mode over the weekend and don’t do any training!
I didn’t feel comfortable at all during the 21 minute 35 seconds run, mainly because I had an extremely irritating dry cough and I was a bit leg weary after yesterday’s outing.
Still it’s another run under my belt in preparation for the next Swansea Bay 5k on August 5th.