We all had a wicked time today at DDWT Junior’s pool party in celebration of his 5th birthday, which is on Tuesday.
Some 14 or so of his classmates turned up and they – and their parents – had a whale (pun intended) of a time at Pontardawe swimming pool, splashing, diving and swimming about the massed array of kids floatables!
The little fella was so excited bless him and at the end of the hour you could see that all of the kids were quite literally out on their feet having had so much fun. It was certainly £60 well spent to hire the pool for the hour.
It was the perfect way to celebrate his birthday with all of his friends, leaving the traditional family party to his actual birthday on Tuesday.
Somewhat reluctantly I decided to weigh myself this morning – fearing the worst – having munched my way through a KFC and a box of maltesers yesterday *blush*
Thankfully it was good news though as I was still 15st 12lbs. Although this was after having a re-weigh as I wasn’t starkers the first time around! Who’d have thought that a pair of PJ’s would weigh 2lb eh?