It’s hard to imagine that a whole year has gone by since my Dad passed away as it really doesn’t feel as if its been that long.
Over the last few weeks, I’ve been dreading this day for lots of reasons – how my Mam would be feeling a year on, would my sister still be taking it badly and would I finally succumb to the grieving which rears its head every so often.
Now that the day is here and we’ve been through the whole first anniversary of everything (birthday, wedding anniversary, etc, etc) everything seems to be that little bit easier.
My Mam has spent the day with us and we’ve treated it as any other day to be honest, which I think is (and always would be) the best thing to do. The strength and courage my Mam has shown over the past 12 months is admirable and I take so much positive energy from that – as after all she has suffered the biggest loss.
I’ve little doubt that as each day passes us by it will be another step forward to life getting back on track – as it must – and things will get easier.
We’ll never ever forget my Dad regardless of the amount of time that passes by, but life must go on and with a young family that is what I intend to do – as I know my Dad would have wanted.