Support the Team Thomas Sport Relief Challenge

Yes it’s official, Team Thomas have decided to take part in Sport Relief 2010!

Sport Relief 2010 LogoOn Sunday 21st March 2010, Team Thomas – all four of us – will be heading down to Singleton Park to take part in the Swansea Sport Relief Mile in order to raise money for poor and vulnerable people.

The Swansea Sport Relief event offers a choice of distances to enter – 1, 3 or 6 miles and to make things a little more fun we’ve decided to do something a wee bit different.

I will kick things off at 11 am by doing the 6 mile event before joining Mrs DDWT and the little ‘uns for the 1 mile event at noon. That is assuming that I run the 6 miles in under an hour of course LOL! We haven’t decided if fancy dress is in order or not yet (any suggestions for costumes?).

We’ve never done a family fundraising event all together in the past, so we thought it was an ideal opportunity to try something different and help people both at home and overseas who aren’t as fortunate as ourselves.

So why not sign up and enter the event, it’s only £5 per adult and £2 for children under 16 or for just £12 you can register 2 adults and 2 children.

If you don’t fancy taking part then why not sponsor Team Thomas instead? Remember every penny helps so even a £1 would be extremely welcome.

So go on you know you want too…