We did Sport Relief 2010

I’m glad to report that Team Thomas successfully completed the Swansea Sport Relief Mile 2010.

Thankfully the torrential rain of Saturday was long gone and was replaced by glorious spring sunshine by the time we ventured into Singleton Park – the venue for the Swansea Sport Relief Mile – in readiness for our family challenge.

With me opting to do the 6 miles at 11am and the rest of the Thomas clan doing the mile at noon, time was going to be tight, especially as I wanted to join them for their event.

I was hoping for a sub-50 minute time for the 6 miles, but the rather hilly setting put paid to any chances I had of doing that and I ended up coming home in 51 minutes 41 seconds.

The course was somewhat confusing as the 3 and 6 mile events consisted of doing 3.5 and 5 laps respectively – and shared with the 1 mile participants it all got a little confusing (in terms of keeping tabs on others and pacing yourself!).

In fairness the stewards did a grand job encouraging everyone and making sure that people went the right way – but the layout did nowt for my time keeping! Well I’m not going to blame my fitness levels am I 😉

Still we had lots of fun and even the kids got in on the act with DDWT Junior running off and on for his mile (with Mrs DDWT) and Baby DDWT being quite content to walk along splashing in all the muddy puddles with me (although lagging behind somewhat!).

In fact it was fantastic to see so many families (including pets!) taking part in the events and having so much fun whilst doing so. Most of the kids seemed intrigued by the ‘fire’ juggler and were well chuffed to see Cyril the Swan present as well (well done Cyril for running the 1 mile event). Lee Trundle was also present to start off the proceedings at the 11am event.

The kids were well chuffed with their Sport Relief goodie bags – especially the medals, which my no doubt bring back a memory or two in years to come for both of them. I’m not sure what they made of the mini box of cereal or singular prune sachets, but they were welcome running food for me 🙂

I’d also like to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has sponsored us so far. Thus far we’ve raised £66 – our target was £100 – but with more sponsorship pledged I’m still hopeful that we’ll beat our original target.

If you’d like to donate then please feel free to do so via the Team Thomas Sport Relief page.