Jessica Jane Clement – I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here Winner 2011

Jessica Jane Clement in underwear
Jessica Jane Clement

You heard it hear first ladies and gents – the winner of the 2011 I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here reality tv show is stunning brunette Jessica Jane Clement.

With this year’s show starting later this evening, I thought it best to whip out my crystal balls beforehand and give it to you about who would be crowned queen of the jungle.

But let’s get one thing straight from the off, I’m no reality tv buff – far from it in fact – but I do rather like watching various A to Z list celebrities making (pardon the pun) tits of themselves in the jungle.

Whether that be celebs (?) such as Paul ‘The Butler’ Burrell putting his hands in some hellish holes or Katie ‘Jordan’ Price swallowing fish eyes – it’s rather entertaining watching them squirm and whinge.

Although in fairness, 75% of the time the one’s you think will tough it out don’t and the one’s that you think will be pussies aren’t!  Apart from Gillian McKeith of course whom everyone (I spoke to) wanted to see her suffer as much as possible!!

So what of former ‘Dream Team’ and ‘The Real Hustle’ glamour puss Jessica then?

Well apart from the fact that she is extremely attractive, the media (no doubt assisted by ITV) have hyped her presence in the jungle further by quoting her as saying things such as – “I love bikinis. I wear Brazilian ones, which are small on the bum. They might look skimpy. I’ve even had a wax, so I’m fully prepared!”.

And if comments such as that didn’t stimulate the crotch region of the predominately male Sun/Star readership, then her saying that “I don’t wear bras” and “I don’t think any man can deny enjoying hot girls in bikinis” certainly will!

But that’s just the point isn’t it.  Do the media really think that the majority of people fall for this type of propaganda and that we’re a nation of simpletons? Or is it just darn good PR that will whip up a frenzy (mainly amongst men) and boost the show’s ratings – not to mention the telephone charges when voting for young Jessica?

No doubt the ladies amongst you could make the same sort of observations about ‘The Only Way is Essex’ star Mark Wright – whom is Jessica’s ratings pulling counterpart (according to my wife anyway!).

I’m sure the younger female generation and fans of boyband McFly will be cheering on Dougie Poynter – so it’ll make interesting viewing (for some) I’m sure.

But I’ll let you all ponder that talking point, whilst I go back to drooling over Jessica Jane Clement Celebrity Jungle Winner 🙂

Jessica Jane Clement in a bikini P.s

I do have a soft spot for brunettes and always have done – just ask my wife 🙂