Contrary to what you may think after reading the title above, I can assure you that this blog post will have nothing to do with this particular middle aged man keeping his pecker up!
Right now we’ve cleared that up I’ll move on to explain what I’m going on about.
Not for the first time in the 6 plus years of me writing this blog I have been somewhat lacking in keeping it updated. This is more to do with a distinct lack of time than me being lazy I can assure you.
You know what it’s like, work, family, football, whatever, it all takes time and usually the one thing we actually like doing the most often takes a back seat and ends up never getting done. In my case its my personal blog.
Now I know I’ve been here before (and no doubt I’ll end up here again one day) but I’ve decided to take action and find the time to blog on a regular basis once again.
Why? Well quite simply because I actually enjoy it. Whether I’m writing about the Swans, sharing information about a place I’ve visited or showing off my photography skills (or lack of them!) – I just love it and best of all, it serves as a wonderful archive of my life memories.
So there you have it – you’ve been warned, brace yourself for more mutterings for the minority!