Ever since I left university in 1992 and took up my very first job as a PC Support Officer (that’s PC as in computers not officer of the law!), I recognised the Crucial brand name as being synonymous with memory upgrades for PCs and laptops.
Whether I was looking for some RAM for the then popular Gateway PCs (who could ever forget the friesian cow coloured branding!) or the ever popular Dell range of desktops/laptops – I ALWAYS went to Crucial.
Why? Well quite simply because not only did they always have the memory upgrades that I needed, but they were the most reliable AND offered the best value for money – which is often a deal clincher for a money saver like me 🙂
Fast forward 20 odd years and I find myself once again talking about (and using) Crucial for all my memory needs!
Nowadays I am an affiliate marketer (amongst other things) and often find myself promoting brands and products that I know and trust so when I caught wind of an affiliate competition being run by digital marketing agency Equator I simply had to get involved! Many thanks to Caitlin Dow for giving me the heads up about the comp in the first place though 🙂
Now I’ve always held the view that to succeed in life you have to make your own luck. Whether this is simply by working hard, connecting with the right people, returning a good deed or by simply just having a go.
Thinking of it in terms of a competition, it’s as easy as putting an entry into that competition, rather than just saying I can’t be bothered as “I never win anything”.
So you can imagine my surprise upon receiving an email today saying that I’d won a 16GB Crucial Gizmo TwistTurn USB 2.0 Flash Drive from – yes you’ve guessed it – Crucial.
I was chuffed to bits and quickly enjoyed telling all and sundry about my competition win. Even my nine year old son took a rather suspicious interest in his Dad’s newest gadget.
Perhaps little wonder then that several days after receiving my gift through the post that it disappeared…..only for me to find out several days later that my son was using now using the rather funky twist and turn USB stick for transporting his project and homework back and forth to school!
So what’s the moral of this story I hear you ask? Well it’s twofold really – stick with what you know (and trust) when buying products and that in order to win anything you’ve got to take part in the first place!
Oh and one other thing…never leave a quality USB stick laying around for your kids to adopt!