Big Garden Birdwatch 2021

Those of you who watch the BBC Countryfile programme on a Sunday, will be well versed in the annual RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, which is promoted on the programme.

Basically the purpose of the birdwatch is to enable the RSPB to gather information on the birds that people see in their garden from around the UK.

A robin I photographed whilst on a recent walk
Here’s a Robin I photographed whilst on a recent walk

This helps the RSPB increase their understanding of the challenges faced by wildlife in the UK, through the gathering and analysis of the data provided by participants – like you and I – in the annual birdwatch.

This data can show how bird populations are using our gardens and whether or not their numbers are increasing, decreasing or staying the same.

For example, in the past 10 years the number of house sparrow sightings have grown by 10%, after initially seeing a 53% decline since the very first birdwatch in 1979.

The year marks the 42nd RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch and takes place between 29-31 January 2021, and you can get involved by signing up on the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch website.

Once you have signed up, all you have to do is spend one hour between 29-31 January counting and identifying the different types of birds you see in your garden. Don’t worry you’ll get a handy guide to help you identify the birds if you don’t already know what they are!

After you’ve done this, simply post or submit your count online and you’ve done your bit – simples.

As a family, we have got involved over the last 3 or so years and have found it a great way to learn more about the birds that live around us, as well as helping find out what some of them were.

This is a fun activity for those of you with young children, especially if you leave some food and water out for the birds, it is winter after all.