Children in Need 2011

With Children in Need 2011 being today, it means fundraising time and this years ‘event’ is running 10 miles dressed as a pirate! Every year a group of about 10 or so of us organise a fancy dress event in order to raise money for what is probably the nation’s favourite charity – Children in …

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We did Sport Relief 2010

I’m glad to report that Team Thomas successfully completed the Swansea Sport Relief Mile 2010. Thankfully the torrential rain of Saturday was long gone and was replaced by glorious spring sunshine by the time we ventured into Singleton Park – the venue for the Swansea Sport Relief Mile – in readiness for our family challenge. …

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2009 Swansea Bay 10K

Well after several weeks preparation that’s it, all done and dusted and in a time of 51 minutes 26 seconds. It’s been a good day and unlike other years I actually enjoyed it and managed to sprint over the last 100 metres or so, rather than amble along it! The weather was great – sunny …

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Twang goes my plan?

As I lay here on my living room floor – the reason why I’ll explain in a minute – it’s occurred to me that in just 5 days time I’ll be doing the Swansea Bay 10K. It only seems like the other week that I sent off my entry form. Yes and why am I …

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45 minutes!

45 minutes 32 seconds – that’s how long I was out running for today.  I still can’t believe it and I MUST make a point of finding out when last ran for that amount of time or distance (5 miles). Perhaps most bizarrely of all was the fact that I actually phsically felt like going …

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